Monday, 21 March 2016

How to run while loop in selenium IDE

While  loop in selenium IDE

. The Loop statements are used to run the   statements for multiple iterations Different loop statements.

. In  software automation testing some  test cases need to run multiple times in selenium IDE script, at the time we need loop statements,we are using "while" loop .

. There will not be while command in the selenium IDE Tool,we have to add separate file to get while command . 

. I shared extension while commend file. Click hear to download extension file for while loop commends and it is save your system only in ".js" format , example "while.js" like that .

. once download the file if is attache to selenium IDE Tool 

 click the tools bar ---->Open the selenium IDE Tool---->click the operations----> Browse the Selenium core extensions(user-extensions.js)---> click ok Button

  1) How to write while loop script in selenium IDE ?

Example :- check boxes select with using while loop in selenium IDE

check box 1

check box 2

check box 3

check box 4

check box 5

check box 6

check box 7

check box 8

check box 9

.  While click the check box  selenium IDE will get recorded .

. while loop


Thursday, 25 February 2016

How to select dropdown values and show a multiple types of operations.

Drop-down values multiple types of selections 

country list

. Dropdown seletion there are multiple type of code in selenium webdriver 

 new select(driver.findelement(By.xpath("//select[@name='country']"))).selectByVisibleText("india");


webelement country = driver.findElement (By.xpath("//select[@name='country']"));

select  countryname = new select (country);



Select country = new  Select(driver.findElement (By.xpath("//select[@name='country']")));



.  Dropdowns values you can select the required in 3 ways. consider an HTML file 
. In webdriver support SELECT tag , SELECT is a class it is a perform multiple task on dropdowns and  multiple select object.

new Select(driver.findElement("country"))).selectByVisibleText("India");

new Select(driver.findElement("country"))).selectByIndex(index);

new Select(driver.findElement("country"))).selectByValue(value);


Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Commonly used selenium IDE commands

. There are probably the most commonly used commands for building tests in selenium IDE

Open :- Opens a page using a URL .

Click/ClickAndWait :- Performs a click operation,and optionally waits for a new page to load .

verifyTitle/assertTitle :- Verifies an expected page title .

verifyTextPresent :-  Verifies expected text is somewhere on the page .


Monday, 8 February 2016

Most important selenium interview questions

selenium interview questions and answers

1. What is the automation. why automation in software testing ?

Automation :- Any task if performed with help of tool/Software programs is called automation.

Advantages :- Perform regression testing , test execution can be completed faster, reduce cost to the company(CTC),testing is consistent and effectiveness,re-usability of scripts,reporting is easy,reduce cost of testing.

2. What is the selenium. why we need selenium tool ?

 Selenium is a one of the  automation testing tool , this is only  for web applications automation purpose.


Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Configuration of Selenium in eclipse

installing selenium webdriver in eclipse

1. Fist  we need install  JDK(Java Development Kit ) in your system

2.Download eclipse from the below site
eclipse luna- 32 bit click
3. extract the zip file in any desired drive. Eclipse is an standalone application, not necessary to install it 

4. Go to the directory where you have saved eclipse IDE and look for eclipse.exe 


Monday, 4 January 2016

Configuration of TestNG in Eclipse plug-in

TestNG Eclipse Plug-In

The TestNG Eclipse plug-in allows you to run your TestNG tests from Eclipse and easily monitor their execution and their. it has its own project repository called TestNG-Eclipse.


Once finish  configuration  eclipse after following the instructions,
TestNG Plug-in link Eclipse and click the  menu --->Help---->Install New software

click  install new software 

and past  this link " the add button it will show popup

3. Once  finish the installation TestNG, close your eclipse and re-open it

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